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Going to the Beach

Going to the Beach

Going to the Beach
It was a hot day.
Holly and tom looked out of the window.
'Do you want to go to the beach?' said Aunt Rose.
'Yes, please,' said Tom and Holly.
'You need a picnic,' said Mum.
Holly and tom made some cheese sandwiches.
They put them on the table.
'Can we go now?' said Tom.
Dad said, 'No. now you need some drinks.'
Holly and Tom found some drinks.
They put them on the table.
'Can we go now?' said holly. Mum said, 'No. you need a map.'
Holly found the map. She it on the table.
'Can we go now?' Holly and Tom said.
'No. You need your hats and your swimsuits. Then you can go,' Dad said. Tom and Holly found their hats and their swimsuits.
They went to the car with Aunt Rose. 'Now we can go to the beach,' they said. They went in Aunt Rose's car.
'Your car is fast. This is fun!' they said.
Then the car stopped.
'Oh dear! Why has the car stopped?' said Holly and Tom.
They all got out.
They looked at the wheel.
The tyre was flat.
Two men came.
'We can help you,' they said.
They pushed the car tom and Holly pushed, too.
Aunt Rose said, 'Look at my wheel. The tire is flat.'
'I can help you,' a man said. He put a new wheel on the car.
'Thank you,' said Aunt Rose. 'Where is the beach?' said Aunt Rose.

Going to the Beach
'Let's look at the map,' said Tom. 'Oh no! the map isn't here. It's on the table at home,' said Holly. They saw a woman.
'We want to go to the beach. Can you help us?' said Aunt Rose. 'Yes. I can help you,' she said.
'The beach is over the hill,' she said. 'Thank you,' said Aunt Rose. Tom said, 'Come on, Aunt Rose. Let's go to the beach.'
Soon they were at the beach.
The sun was very hot.
Tom and Holly wanted to go in the sea.
'Come on, Aunt Rose. Let's go swimming,' they said.
'I like swimming in the sea,' said Tom. 'I like swimming, too,' said Aunt Rose. 'This is fun!' said Holly.
They come to the sea.
'I'm hungry. Let's have the sandwiches,' said Aunt Rose.
'Where is the picnic?' said Holly. 'Oh no! It isn't here. It's on the table at home,' said Tom.
Mum and Dad came with little Joe.
'Look! Here come Mum and Dad,' said holly. 'Here are the sandwiches and the drinks,' said Mum.
Aunt Rose said, 'thank you. Now we can all have a picnic.'
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