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City Girl, Country boy

 City Girl, Country boy


Tim lives on a farm in the country. He is on his way to visit his cousin Anna in the city. Anna and her mother are waiting to meet him at the Trian station.

This is Tim's first visit to the big city. He is very excited.

Tim is in Anna's apartment, at the top of a tall building.

"Wow! Look at all those buildings. Look at all those cars and buses. The people are so small. They look like ants from up here. You're really lucky, Anna."

It is midnight. Anna is asleep. Tim is in a big, comfortable bed, but he cannot sleep. There are a lot of lights. He can hear a fire engine, some police cars, a big motorcycle, and there is a helicopter flying overhead.

This city is really noisy at night.

The next morning, they are on the subway. Anna is taking Tim to a roller disco. There are so many people on the subway. It's dirty and crowded, and they cannot sit down. Tim is getting very tired.

"Isn't it great?" says Anna. "I come here every week with my friends. Isn't the music wonderful?"

"The music is too loud!" says Tim.

"Put on your rollerblades and let's go!"

"But everyone is skating so fast! I can't skate that fast"

"Did you enjoy the roller disco?" asks Anna.

"It was ok"

"I'm so thirsty. I really need this drink."

"What's it called?" asks Tim.

"it's a Timbuktu Twist."

"It looks great! How do you drink it?"

Tim and Anna are walking home. They have to cross a big road. The light changes, so they start to walk across the road. Suddenly, a big yellow taxi turns the corner. It is going too fast and it almost hits them.

"It's time for me to go back to the country," says Tim.

"I hope you had a good time," says Anna.

"It was Ok, thank you. It's your turn to visit me in the country."

"OK. That sounds wonderful."

Anna is visiting Tim in the country for the first time. Tim's father is diving them home from the train station. Anna is happy. She loves animals, so she wants to see the farm.

"Welcome to the country!" says Tim.

"It's so beautiful here!" says Anna. "Look at all the animals."

"Yes, we have cows, sheep, chickens, ducks and a pony called star."

"You're so lucky, Tim!"

It is mine o'clock. Everyone except Anna is asleep. Her eyes are wide open but she can't see anything because it is so dark. She can hear the farm animals. There's an owl at the window. It makes a sound like a ghost. Anna is afraid.

The next day, Tim and Anna are outside. It's a beautiful day. Tim rides very well. It looks easy. Now It's Anna's turn, but it's not that easy. 

"Hold on tight, Anna," says Tim.

Later Tim takes Anna out in a boat. They are both fishing.

"Are you sure there are fish in this pond?" asks Anna. "I'm getting bored."

"Bored? Just wait a more minutes."

"Wow, you caught a big one," says Tim. But Anna falls into the water isn't deep," says Tim. "Just stand up."

Tim took Anna to see the farm. They walked from the farmhouse to the chicken house, then down the road to the barn. They got on the pony and went through the forest to see the sheep. Then they walked over a bridge into a field with cows in it and they had a picnic under an apple tree. Then they crossed the river and went down to the pond. They took a boat to the island.

Back at home in the city, Anna calls Tim.

"Did you have a good time?" asks Tim.

"It was OK, but I prefer the city."

"You prefer the city and I prefer the country," says Tim.

"See you, Tim"

"OK. Goodbye."
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